Anterior Talofibular Ligament Ruptures, Part 1: Biomechanical Comparison of Augmented Broström Repair Techniques with the Intact Anterior Talofibular Ligament
The concept of utilizing nonabsorbable suture tape fixed directly to bone to augment [...]
Anterior Talofibular Ligament Ruptures, Part 2: Biomechanical Comparison of Anterior Talofibular Ligament Reconstruction Using Semitendinosus Allografts With the Intact Ligament
Anatomic reconstructions of the lateral ankle ligaments with grafts have been proposed for [...]
MRI Findings of Snowboarding Osteochondral Injuries to the Middle Talocalcaneal Articulation
This study analyzes two cases of subtle injuries to the subtalar joint, specifically, osteochondral defects of the middle facet of the talus and conomitant involvement of the middle talocalcaneal articulation, both sustained while snowboarding. The analysis of the injuries is through 3T magnetic resonance image.
Review: Injuries in Elite and Recreational Snowboarders
The relatively young sport of snowboarding exhibits high injury rates. The current efforts [...]
Anatomic Suture Anchor Versus the Brostrom Technique for Anterior Talofibular Ligament Repair
This study analyses the Brostrom procedure for secondary repair of chronic lateral ankle instability. Prior to this study there have been no biomechanical studies reporting the strength of this secondary repair method, whether using suture fixation or suture anchors. Through a biomechanical comparison of the ultimate load to failure and stiffness of the traditional Brostrom technique using only a suture repair compared with a suture anchor repair of the anterior talofibular ligament (ATFL) at time zero.
Return to Play in Athletes Following Ankle Injuries
There are many obstacles an athlete has to overcome before returning to play after an ankle injury. This study analyzes existing literature on returning to play after an ankle injury, and complies a set of physical test to ensure a healthy return to play.