Posterior Tibial Tendon Tears in Young Competitive Athletes: Two Case Reports Gallery Posterior Tibial Tendon Tears in Young Competitive Athletes: Two Case Reports drhaytmanek2024-02-22T13:53:55-07:00Categories: Foot Studies, Research|Tags: 1998, Clanton|
Hamstring Strains in Athletes: Diagnosis and Treatment Gallery Hamstring Strains in Athletes: Diagnosis and Treatment drhaytmanek2024-02-22T13:50:27-07:00Categories: Lower Extremity Studies, Research|Tags: 1998, Clanton|
Thromboembolism After Foot and Ankle Surgery Gallery Thromboembolism After Foot and Ankle Surgery drhaytmanek2024-02-22T13:53:56-07:00Categories: Ankle Studies, Foot Studies, Research|Tags: 1998, Clanton|