
Health Articles

Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless

Comparison of Chevron Osteotomy and Modified McBride Bunionectomy for Correction of Mild to Moderate Hallux Valgus Deformity

This study compares the results of the Cheveron osteotomy to the DuVries' modification of the McBride procedure using identical criteria in two groups of patients. The study used two controlled groups: a Chevron osteotomy group and a McBride bunionectomy without metatarsal osteotomy for treatment of mild to moderate hallux valgus.

Instability of the Subtalar Joint

There has been substanical orthopedic literature on chronic lateral ligamentous instability, but little on the relationship of subtalar instability to this problem. A variety of reconstructive procedures has been used to treat lateral ankle instability, but subtalar instability is not corrected equally in these procedures. This study assesses more tailored treatment option for providing stability to the subtalar component.

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