Chronic Leg Pain in Athletes
Chronic leg pain has been a source of frustration for many athletes. Complaints of leg pain were typically labeled as shin splints and were accepted as a natural part of athletic participation. The development of sports medicine through technological advancements has allowed the term shin splints to become a more precise diagnosis. This study breaks down the term shin splints and determines adequate treatment options for a safe return to activity.
Turf Toe Injury
An increase in the number of traumatic injuries to the metatarsophalangeal joint of the big toe, also known as turf toe, has been due to rise in participation on artificial playing surfaces and the use of more flexible shoewear. This study reviews the relevant anatomy, biomechanics, mechanism of injury, clinical assessment and treatment.
Turf Toe
An extension sprain to the first metatarsophalangeal (MTP) joint, commonly called "turf toe" has seen great notoriety since the 1980's. This study breaks down the historical perspective, epidemiology, anatomy, diagnosis, and treatment.
Treatment of Anterior Midtibial Stress Fractures
An anterior midtibial stress fracture is an uncommon and difficult injury to treat. When a transverse radiolucent line is visible in the anterior tibial cortex, sometimes referred to as the "dreaded black line", a more aggressive treatment option is recommended in this study.
Chronic Exercise-Induced Leg Pain in Active People
"Shin splints" is a common terms used for any kind of persistent exercise-related lower leg pain with no obvious cause. This pain can originate from a number of conditions. This study uses a methodical work-up designed to detect problems in all anatomic structures from the bone to skin, and narrows the possibilities and appropriate treatment methods.
Reconstruction for Subtalar Instability: A Review
There is little literature on the reconstruction of subtalar instability. This study describes, in detail, three commonly used reconstruction techniques for subtalar instability.