
Health Articles

Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless

Continuous Lateral Sciatic Blocks for Acute Postoperative Pain Management after Major Ankle and Foot Surgery

During a posterior block a sapheneous nerve block provides excellent anesthesia and immediate postoperative analgesia for up to 10 hours for patients undergoing most minor foot and ankle surgeries. The study tested the newly developed continuous lateral sciatic nerve infusion technique for postoperative anlgesia.

Posterior Tibial Tendon Tears in Young Competitive Athletes: Two Case Reports

Unlike the Achilles tendon, it is uncommon for the posterior tibial tendon to not undergo acute rupture. This case study reports two patients who had operative treatment of a posterior tibial tendon tear. The study describes the surgical exploration and treatment of posterior tibial tendon injuries among the athletic community.

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