Continuous Lateral Sciatic Blocks for Acute Postoperative Pain Management after Major Ankle and Foot Surgery
During a posterior block a sapheneous nerve block provides excellent anesthesia and immediate postoperative analgesia for up to 10 hours for patients undergoing most minor foot and ankle surgeries. The study tested the newly developed continuous lateral sciatic nerve infusion technique for postoperative anlgesia.
Syndesmosis Injuries in Athletes
Syndesmosis injuries are among the most difficult foot and ankle injuries to treat. An injury to the syndesmosis can include a wide spectrum of injury. This study breaks down the anatomy, biomechanics, diagnosis, and treatment of a syndesmosis injuries.
Treatment of Lisfranc Injuries in the Athlete
Lisfranc injuries in athletes can be difficult to treat. Proper treatment requires careful examination and use of imaging studies. This study analyzes the various treatment options along with proper management of Lisfranc injuries to ensure a successful recovery.
Tibiotalocalcaneal Arthrodesis
This retrospective study analyzed patients improvement of pain and function who underwent simultaneous tibiotalocalcaneal arthrodesis with eevere disease involving the ankle and subtalar joints.
Subtalar Joint Athletic Injuries
The subtalar joint has had considerable attention as an area of injury and pathology. This study reviews the anatomy, biomechanics, and diagnostic techniques used for a the subtalar joint, in addition to some specific diagnoses.
Posterior Tibial Tendon Tears in Young Competitive Athletes: Two Case Reports
Unlike the Achilles tendon, it is uncommon for the posterior tibial tendon to not undergo acute rupture. This case study reports two patients who had operative treatment of a posterior tibial tendon tear. The study describes the surgical exploration and treatment of posterior tibial tendon injuries among the athletic community.