Malleolar Fracture After Total Ankle Arthroplasty
There has been an increase in the treatment of end-stage tibiotalar arthritis with prosthetic replacement. This study evaluates the treatment of malleolar fractures with the two most common implants in the United States: the STAR procedure and the Agility total ankle arthroplasty.
Intraspecies and Interspecies Comparison of the Compressive Properties of the Medial Meniscus
The purpose of this study is to establish a "gold-standard" for properties of the meniscus in the knee. To determine the compressive material properties in the meniscus the study used six animal models at six different topographical locations.
Calculation of the Opening Wedge for a Low Tibial Osteotomy
This study facilitates the preoperative planning process for distal tibila osteotomy by determining angular correction with various wedge heights. The medial opening wedge distal tibial osteotomy is a relatively new technique for treatment of intermediate ankle joint arthritis. This procedure requires extensive preoperative planning to determine the size of the wedge that will restore anatomic alignment of the joint surface.
Tendon Transfer Fixation: Comparing a Tendon to Tendon Technique vs. Bioabsorbable Interference-Fit Screw Fixation
A tendon transfer in the foot and ankle are used for tendon ruptures, deformities, and instabilities. This cadaver study compares a tendon to tendon fixation technique to a bioabsorbable interference-fit screw tendon fixation technique.
Interference Screw Fixation of Tendon Transfers in the Foot and Ankle
A tendon transfer plays an important role in reconstructive foot and ankle surgery. There are multiple fixation method of tendon to bone reconstruction. This study analyzes the use of soft-tissue interference screw fixation for tendon transfer in the foot.
Evaluation of Compression in Intramedullary Hindfoot Arthrodesis
Various fixation methods that have been used for tibiotalcalcaneal arthrodesis (TTCA) including; multiple screws, pediatric blade plate, and external fixation. This study evaluated the compression in an intramedullary hindfoot arthrodesis cadaver using an external fixator and a "second generation" intramedullary compression nail.