Radiographic Identification of the Primary Lateral Ankle Structures
Lateral ankle ligament injuries rank among the most frequently observed athletic injuries that [...]
Radiographic Identification of the Primary Lateral Ankle Structures
Lateral ankle ligament injuries rank among the most frequently observed athletic injuries, requiring [...]
Diagnostic Accuracy of 3.0 Tesla Magnetic Resonance Imaging for the Detection of Articular Cartilage Lesions of the Talus
Talar chondral defects can be a source of persistent ankle pain and disability. [...]
The Ligament Anatomy of the Deltoid Complex of the Ankle: A Qualitative and Quantitative Anatomical Study
The deltoid ligament has both superficial and deep layers and consists of up [...]
Sports Foot and Ankle Treats Detroit Tigers Shortstop Jose Iglesias
Early in the 2014 season Detriot Tigers shortstop Jose Iglesias suffered stress fractures [...]
Ligamentous Lisfranc Injuries in the Athlete
Ligamentous injuries to the midfoot during athletic endeavors are becoming more common and [...]