3D Model Analysis of Ankle Flexion on Anatomic Reduction of a Syndesmotic Injury
Authors Jason M Schon, Jacob D Mikula, Jonathon D Backus, Melanie B Venderley, [...]
A 3-D CT Analysis of Screw and Suture-Button Fixation of the Syndesmosis
Authors Jason M Schon, Brady T Williams, Melanie B Venderley, Grant J Dornan, [...]
Biomechanical Comparison of 3 Current Ankle Syndesmosis Repair Techniques
Authors Thomas O Clanton, Scott R Whitlow, Brady T Williams, Daniel J Liechti, [...]
Effect of Suture Caliber and Number of Core Strands on Repair of Acute Achilles Ruptures: A Biomechanical Study
Authors Jonathon D Backus, Daniel Cole Marchetti, Erik L Slette, Kimi D Dahl, [...]
Biomechanical Analysis of the Individual Ligament Contributions to Syndesmotic Stability
Authors Thomas O Clanton, Brady T Williams, Jonathon D Backus, Grant J Dornan, [...]
Qualitative and Quantitative Anatomic Investigation of the Lateral Ankle Ligaments for Surgical Reconstruction Procedures
Lateral ankle sprains are common sports injuries that may require surgery for chronic lateral [...]