Evaluation of Compression in Intramedullary Hindfoot Arthrodesis Gallery Evaluation of Compression in Intramedullary Hindfoot Arthrodesis drhaytmanek2024-02-22T13:53:55-07:00Categories: Foot Studies, Research|Tags: 2002, Clanton|
Continuous Lateral Sciatic Blocks for Acute Postoperative Pain Management after Major Ankle and Foot Surgery Gallery Continuous Lateral Sciatic Blocks for Acute Postoperative Pain Management after Major Ankle and Foot Surgery drhaytmanek2024-02-22T13:53:55-07:00Categories: Ankle Studies, Foot Studies, Research|Tags: 2002, Clanton|
Syndesmosis Injuries in Athletes Gallery Syndesmosis Injuries in Athletes drhaytmanek2024-02-22T13:51:59-07:00Categories: Ankle Studies, Research|Tags: 2002, Clanton|
Treatment of Lisfranc Injuries in the Athlete Gallery Treatment of Lisfranc Injuries in the Athlete drhaytmanek2024-02-22T13:53:55-07:00Categories: Foot Studies, Research|Tags: 2002, Clanton|
Tibiotalocalcaneal Arthrodesis Gallery Tibiotalocalcaneal Arthrodesis drhaytmanek2024-02-22T13:53:55-07:00Categories: Ankle Studies, Foot Studies, Research|Tags: 2000, Clanton|
Subtalar Joint Athletic Injuries Gallery Subtalar Joint Athletic Injuries drhaytmanek2024-02-22T13:53:55-07:00Categories: Ankle Studies, Foot Studies, Research|Tags: 1999, Clanton|
Posterior Tibial Tendon Tears in Young Competitive Athletes: Two Case Reports Gallery Posterior Tibial Tendon Tears in Young Competitive Athletes: Two Case Reports drhaytmanek2024-02-22T13:53:55-07:00Categories: Foot Studies, Research|Tags: 1998, Clanton|
Hamstring Strains in Athletes: Diagnosis and Treatment Gallery Hamstring Strains in Athletes: Diagnosis and Treatment drhaytmanek2024-02-22T13:50:27-07:00Categories: Lower Extremity Studies, Research|Tags: 1998, Clanton|
Thromboembolism After Foot and Ankle Surgery Gallery Thromboembolism After Foot and Ankle Surgery drhaytmanek2024-02-22T13:53:56-07:00Categories: Ankle Studies, Foot Studies, Research|Tags: 1998, Clanton|
Primary Care of Foot and Ankle Injuries in the Athlete Gallery Primary Care of Foot and Ankle Injuries in the Athlete drhaytmanek2024-02-22T13:53:56-07:00Categories: Ankle Studies, Foot Studies, Research|Tags: 1997, Clanton|